Where do I implement this display of User Meta Data, and how to put it in a table?

If I understood your question correctly, you want to display this data on a page on front-end. In this case you can either create a page template in your theme folder OR create a shortcode in functions.php.
Here is a quick shortcode that may help.

add_shortcode('currentuser', 'shortcode_current_user');

function shortcode_current_user($atts){
   $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
   echo '<table>';
       echo '<tr><td>Username: </td>' . '<td>'.$current_user->user_login . '</td></tr>';
       echo '<tr><td>User email: ' .'<td>'. $current_user->user_email . '</td></tr>';
       echo '<tr><td>User first name: ' . '<td>'.$current_user->user_firstname . '</td></tr>';
       echo '<tr><td>User last name: ' .'<td>'. $current_user->user_lastname . '</td></tr>';
       echo '<tr><td>User display name: ' .'<td>'. $current_user->display_name . '</td></tr>';
       echo '<tr><td>User ID: ' .'<td>'. $current_user->ID . '</td></tr>';
   echo '</table>';

   return ob_get_clean();

Now it can be used on any page/post/widget to display user data by putting [currentuser]