Why are some of my thumbnails not being generated?

The fact that some images work tells me that TimThumb is behaving fine.

If you go to the broken image url you will see that the error is ‘no mime type specified’ which tells me the issue is with the image rather than the script. I would suggest resaving the image and seeing if that fixes the problem.

For reference this is the code that generates the error:

    $file_infos = getimagesize ($file);
$mime_type = $file_infos['mime'];

// no mime type
if (empty ($mime_type)) {
    display_error ('no mime type specified');

So basically what is happening is GD can’t find the mime-type and so it doesn’t know what to do with the image. For it to get this far it must have found the image so the file does exist.

Oooh – I just noticed the different subdomain (testing versus media). I would recommend always using the same url since using the media subdomain won’t make anything faster with TimThumb. I wrote an article related to this here: http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/2010/11/timthumb-cdn-amazon-s3-good/

One final update – I downloaded the image to my test site and have just see that it resizes fine if I rename it. So I think the issue is the space in the file name which is converted into a +. Try removing the space as well.

BTW it’s nice to see so much negativity around my little script 🙁 Timthumb was designed to fill a gap that WordPress didn’t support. This has since changed with the introduction of post thumbnails, but many still prefer TimThumb.