WooCommerce doesn’t show UK countries in the shipping options [closed]

You won’t be able to find England specifically in their list. The UK treats several areas as separate countries, and other regions can only be separated by postal code.

  • United Kingdom
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Jersey
  • Guernsey
  • Isle of Man


I should also mention that the “Sell to countries…” field controls the Billing side of the form. There is still an option of countries you “Ship to”, and this alters the countries in the Shipping form (or the Billing form if you are shipping to the billing address). Make sure you haven’t narrowed down that list without United Kingdom being list.

And lastly, it is possible to modify the countries and regions through filters. Go to the General tab of your WooCommerce settings page and try to modify the Sell to or Ship to settings. If you cannot find the UK in that list either, then it’s been removed through its filter.