After getting an exceptional turnaround time from the woothemes zen help desk as directed helgatheviking (thanks!) — turnaround was 12 hours — they recommend i wait until release 1.4 which is due the beginning of August 2013. This release will include the ability to upgrade / downgrade subscription mid-term as i was looking for, though im not quite sure that’s what i’m after… but will gladly wait and see. For now, i have a solution I came up with, and maybe this will work for others.
I also use the paid Members plugin from Woo, which controls READ access to pages. I have created separate pages with only PAID subscription access for each level of membership. I use a membership SIGN-UP FEE, and now a monthly fee, which is for the product. (example $10 signup fee for a years membership, and $1.99 a month for the product. Making the product subscription free, enables me to bypass the payment gateways) After this membership subscription is purchased, it unlocks the page for their viewing, and they can now open a FREE subscription to the “magazine” (no i’m really not selling magazines, but for IP purposes only). If they want to change their product midway, they need but cancel that free subscription, and open another with the new product… for free. I control and prevent multiple subscriptions using the Min/Max plugin, as well as Woo Subscriptions built in – one sub at a time feature. In testing this seems to work flawlessly.
I type this in a fury as I’m now moving at the speed of light again, anybody with questions if i’m not making any sense, please feel free to post and i’ll be glad to explain more throughly.
thanks again everyone.