How to create a specific role to manage users

The following capabilities are needed to fully manage users: create_users edit_users promote_users delete_users remove_users list_users Remove role, you’ve created with Members plugin. Add the following code to functions.php of your active theme: add_role( ‘users_manager’, __( ‘Users Manager’ ), array( ‘read’ => true, ‘list_users’ => true, ‘promote_users’ => true, ‘remove_users’ => true, ‘edit_users’ => true, ‘create_users’ … Read more

Smarter Document Management links between three WordPress sites sought

There is nothing in WP that specifically deals with cross–site communication. Every WP site is an island by design. However there are plenty helpful bits and pieces to rig suitable solutions for many use cases. As far as I follow your case I would imagine something like this: Central sites hosts documents (in whatever way … Read more

Advice On How to Backup WordPress

Personally, I back up my site with a plugin and don’t rely on my web host provider to create backups. ManageWP is a good option for website backups. However, if you need to upload your backups to own cloud storage (like Amazon S3, Dropbox) from ManageWP, you have to pay the extra fee for that … Read more

WordPress Database Cleanup

WP is designed to use a single database. In fact you can have several sites in a single database because they’d each use a different table prefix. How difficult it’ll be to cleanup will depend on the code involved. I’d be mostly concerned that since the previous developer (I use the term loosely) didn’t use … Read more