WordPress 3,5 and Jquery version

WordPress includes the minified version of jQuery as jquery.js rather than using jquery.min.js. I don’t see any uncompressed version of it anywhere in the latest release of 3.5 (I’m looking at 3.5.3 right now).

They’ve made some other changes to how development and production assets are loaded. There are now several files that are *.dev.js and *.dev.css for use in development. These are the “regular” versions of those files, and the ones without .dev. are the production/minified versions. An example of how this is used is at http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Debug.

If you look through the wp-includes and wp-admin folders, you’ll see the previous method of providing the uncompressed file used in development along with the minified one for production use.