I believe that you have to go to the Network Admin (the ‘master’ admin), then Sites, then mouse over the site you wish to change, select Edit. So the process is not done from the sub-site’s Dashboard, but from the Network Admin dashboard.
You may need to go into the Settings tab on the edit page to change other URLs, depending on settings that plugins or themes have made. Just carefully change the https://www.example.com/subsite1 to https://www.customdomain.com as needed.
A good backup of the database is always a good idea before doing that.
Once you make the Settings changes, then you’ll need to change the newdomain.com’s Nameserver settings to point to the correct place. If you have hosting, then the Control Panel Add-on Domains is where you want to go (depending on the host). The host supporting place can assist you with this.
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