wordpress.org disallowing my plugin becuase of loading core files in cron cpanel file

I think that is the wrong way. What you might consider to to is to create an wp_schedule_event and then run http://www.abc.de/wp-cron.php per cPanel-Cron, that should work and will be a better way in the “idea” of WordPress.


Create an cron.php (or whatever you would like to call that file) in you plugin. Than from the main php file include that cron.php file.

if (wp_next_scheduled('myActionRunCron') === FALSE) {
    wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'myActionRunCron');

And then register an Action-Handler to that Action myActionRunCron


And in the cron.php-File, place an function named myCronAction. Thats it.

function myCronAction() {
    // do some stuff

Than this Action will be run through WP each Hour. You can modify that by modify the wp_schedule_event-Call.

How to configure the Cronjob in cPanel could be found here on Hostgator