wordpress use single ajax in place of multiple ajax requests in a smarter way

I appreciate your question is quite old and you no doubt already have your solution but hopefully this may help someone else.

You could replace your javascript post calls with a single call to a single function that extracted both parts of data and returned them as an object.

$('body').on('change','#product_name', function() {
    //Get product prices
    $.post( test.ajaxUrl, {
            'selected' : $(this).val(),
            'action' : 'get_product_prices'
         }, function(data){
             data = $.parseJSON(data);

Then your php function would look like this.

function get_product_prices(){
    global $wpdb;
    $returnData = array();
    $selected_product =  esc_sql($_POST['selected']);
    // please see the notes on your database structure
    $get_product_price = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `product_buying_price` FROM `product_buying_price` WHERE `product_name` = '.$selected_product.' ");
    $returnData['buying'] = $get_product_price->product_buying_price;
    $get_product_price = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `product_selling_price` FROM `product_selling_price` WHERE `product_name` = '.$selected_product.' ");
    $returnData['selling'] = $get_product_price->product_selling_price;
    echo json_encode($returnData);

I’m not hugely familiar with the wpdb class; it may be possible to replace your sql queries with a single query like this

SELECT `product_buying_price`.`product_buying_price`,  `product_selling_price`.`product_selling_price`
FROM `product_buying_price`
INNER JOIN `product_selling_price`
ON `product_buying_price`.`product_name` = `product_selling_price`.`product_name`
WHERE `product_buying_price`.`product_name` = '.$selected_product.'"

However from the look of your database tables, you appear to have an unnecessary number of tables and would be better to just store all data in one table


id   product_name  product_selling_price  product_buying_price
1    A             12                     10
2    B             13                     12
3    C             19                     15
4    D             23                     18

I’d also apply some checks within the PHP and Javascript to ensure you have all the required data for input into your html table.