wp_create_nonce() in REST API makes user->ID zero

I know it pasts a long time of this question.

But I had the same issue and it was difficult for me to find some documentation about it. I had the same problem, for some reason wp_create_nonce and wp_verify_nonce they bot retrieve different hash. So I notice the problem was the $User->ID or $uid that these two function uses to hash the nonce.

I just trying to create the nonce inside the script but for some reason the uid become 0, and what I did, is to create the nonce before and outside the script block and print the value inside the script.

First it was like this (WRONG):

  var action     = 'submit_user_review';                  
  var ajax_nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce("security'); ?>';

       url: my_ajax_object.ajax_url,
       type: 'POST',
       data: {
           action: action,
           listing_id: rest_id,
           review: comment,
           rate: rate,
           security_review: ajax_nonce,
       beforeSend: function() {
           // Show full page LoadingOverlay

and after like this (GOOD):

  <?php //Set Your Nonce
      $ajax_nonce_review = wp_create_nonce( "submit-user-review" );
  var action = 'submit_user_review';

       url: my_ajax_object.ajax_url,
       type: 'POST',
       data: {
           action: action,
           listing_id: rest_id,
           review: comment,
           rate: rate,
           security_review: '<?php echo $ajax_nonce_review; ?>',
       beforeSend: function() {
           // Show full page LoadingOverlay

And that fix my problem, literally spend one day trying to figure it out this.

I hope it helps somebody else.