WP_List_Table Inside Metabox Not Working on Clicking Search Button

Just got the solution.
The issue was, while clicking on search submit button I got redirected to the same post with a post_updated message what happens here is basically post_update hook fires which redirects to the same post and I can’t get search query_args.
What I did is, I captured the update and post save hook and added query_args and then redirected to the respective post and hence it worked.
WP List table search box input has name “s” so we have to look for “s”( $_GET[“s”], $_POST[“s”] )
Find the code below please:

 add_action( 'save_post','save_query_string', 100, 3 );
 add_action( 'post_updated','save_query_string', 10, 3 );
 function save_query_string( $post_id, $post, $update ) {
        $post_type = get_post_type($post);
        $search_term  = isset( $_POST['s'] ) ? trim( $_POST['s'] ) : "";
        if ( $search_term == "" ) {
            $search_term  = isset( $_GET['s'] ) ? trim( $_GET['s'] ) : "";
        if ( $post_type == 'product' && $search_term != "" ) {
            wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 's', $search_term, $_POST['_wp_http_referer'] ) );