The functionality may not have been added until after 3.1.
The Codex refers to the latest version of WordPress. When in doubt, upgrade.
Related Posts:
- WP_Query – Order results by meta value
- Query to sort a list by meta key first (if it exists), and show remaining posts without meta key ordered by title
- Filter WP_Query for posts having a certain meta-value
- Can I query custom meta data through WP_Query
- Meta Query with AND & OR?
- How do I search an array stored in a custom-field using WP_Query?
- How do I order by multiple custom fields using wp_query?
- Trying to perform complex custom field query with order by set to field value
- Query meta field using between
- Order Posts by Closest Numeric Values
- 2 orderby in wp_query with 2 custom fields
- Can serialized arrays in DB be matched against serialized arrays with meta_query?
- How to get a meta value from all post
- Compare meta_query decimals not working right
- WP_Query multiple use of relation and/or
- Query Problem – Show posts within category ‘x’ that have a custom field between ‘y’ and ‘z’
- Using OR in WP_Query negates the “NOT EXISTS” compare
- WP_query : meta_key with custom rule for specific value
- How can I combine meta_query queries?
- How to filter a dd/mm/yyyy date from a custom field in a query
- Using WP Query to search by multiple meta fields
- Difference between ‘LIKE’ and ‘IN’ in meta queries
- Compare WP Custom Field date
- Sort by posts that have a featured image?
- WP_Query display next custom post from today’s date
- Order by value in serialized custom field
- $wp_query meta_key naming issue [closed]
- Author Page Custom Query WHERE author OR [post meta value] OR [post meta value]
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- Adding Custom Fields to Search
- Upcoming Event: How do I sort database by custom date field, but ignore past dates?
- Any way to include custom fields in WP_Query results?
- Multiple relationships in a query
- WP Query Returning All Posts
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- Meta query with timestamp using WP_query
- Conditional custom field query
- Order query by meta_value with multiple custom fields
- Auto Populate Custom Field with Complex Value That Increase by One?
- Custom WP_Query for WordPress Search Results with meta_query
- Meta Query And/Or
- How to combine custom fields to make one order-able value
- Passing meta_box string to post__in?
- Query post by date (stored custom field meta as yyyymmdd) and differentiate across 12 months
- meta_value and meta_key filtering returning no posts [closed]
- Select custom posts by meta_value and sort by a different meta value
- Can’t query by meta_key
- Adding custom field and querying from post table
- Meta query relation ‘OR’ not working as expected
- The best way to collision check in WP
- Custom Query Fields – Altering Meta Value
- How to query for posts with either one or another custom field
- Multiple Custom Field Query
- How to update custom field of a posts in a particular category
- How can I modify my meta_query to work with prices that are stored in the database that contain dollar signs and commas?
- Query to sort a list by meta key first (if it exists), and show remaining posts without meta key ordered by title
- WP Query multiple select form – meta_query help
- How to Order Posts by Custom Fields?
- WP_Query based on multiple metadata comparisons
- Complex WP_Query Using Post Date And Post Meta
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- Show posts containing or not custom field
- Display agents (custom post type) alphabetically, except one who always shows last
- Query posts by Custom Meta (checkbox) & Genesis Grid Loop
- Custom query with orderby meta_value of custom field
- How to enable revisions for post meta data?
- Any way to add custom options to Gallery Settings?
- Including custom fields in search?
- Bulk move (or copy) from a custom field to the post content?
- Getting Custom Field data from a page hierarchy
- limit amount of photos uploaded per cpt post
- Problem with adding exta field in metabox in custom post type
- Calling custom profile fields?
- Performance of storing multiple meta fields vs one JSON encoded field [duplicate]
- Custom Metabox Not Saving
- Manipulate javascript code from custom made admin page menu
- Add additional ‘description’ field for defined roles / role metadata?
- Change the main loop WordPress impact on the server?
- How to get categories with posts by custom field value?
- Possible to filter custom post type with multiple meta data?
- Walker class for sub-menu with ACF fields
- Add custom fields to existing posts (admin pages)
- How to disable Edit Post and Allow only Custom Field?
- Convert attachment ID into url?
- WP_Query: getting posts where custom field exists
- do_shortcode close
- Adding re-type email and check it if the email match
- Best way to insert a list of links into a post outside of the_content
- How to add a post’s view count into the WordPress API response
- Line break description wordpress
- Update custom field on the fly
- Custom field disappeared from screen options
- ACF – Compare user and post data
- How to format the various types of custom fields?
- Get first URL from custom field, download and set as featured image on post publish
- How to add an option to admin to add image that could be used as header?
- How to query posts that have certain post meta keys, and sort by meta key and/or value
- Add image custom attribute [closed]
- Foreach giving one too many list items, how can I remove the last empty line?
- querying to custom field over ACF REST API