disable default widgets in Responsive theme

You have to change the sidebar.php. In there, the default Sidebar main-sidebar is called.

If no Widgets are registered in this Sidebar, the fallback function shows a monthly Archive.

You have got two possibilities:

  • Register a Widget for the Main Sidebar
  • Remove the Fallback Function from sidebar.php. In this case, it would look like this:

    <div id="widgets" class="grid col-300 fit">
    <?php responsive_widgets(); // above widgets hook ?>
        <?php dynamic_sidebar('main-sidebar'); ?>
    <?php responsive_widgets_end(); // after widgets hook ?>
    </div><!-- end of #widgets -->

Please keep in mind that this theme has a lot of different Sidebars – so you may have to change all of them, or register the correct Widgets for each Sidebar.