new WPAlchemy_MetaBox(array
'id' => '_custom_meta',
'title' => 'My Custom Meta',
'template' => STYLESHEETPATH . '/custom/meta.php',
'exclude_template' => 'product.php'
the ‘exclude_template’ would work for excluding the one’s you didn’t want.
new WPAlchemy_MetaBox(array
'id' => '_custom_meta',
'title' => 'My Custom Meta',
'template' => STYLESHEETPATH . '/custom/meta.php',
'include_template' => array('product.php','press.php') // use an array for multiple items
// 'include_template' => 'product.php,press.php' // comma separated lists work too
including works the same.
Here’s how you’d include only by post ID (Which if you’re designing this for a client I wouldn’t do they tend to break the Post ID’s by midweek).
'include_post_id' => 97
Here’s a link: