add seperate suffix for low price and high price in woocommerce

You cloud use the filter “woocommerce_format_price_range” from the “wc_format_price_range” function to modifed the price.

A small example:

function my_function_to_change_the_price_formating($price)
    // If you look in the function wc_format_price_range, you will see that the two prices are separated by a dash. (–)
    // We used this "dash" and separate the two prices.
    $tmp = explode('–', $price);

    // And now we'll put it back together with the custome text.
    return trim($tmp[0]) . ' (a) – '. trim($tmp[1]) .' (b)';

add_action('woocommerce_format_price_range', 'my_function_to_change_the_price_formating');

Shop item with the custome variation prices