Add up values from ACF number field

ACF uses get_field so you can get the value before you output it. Just make sure you have a $total_credit variable before you start the loop and just add to it. When the loop is done print the total to your table.

NOTE: This is just pseudo code, so don’t copy/paste this, just use it as a reference on how to add the value then output the total.


// Define the total credits
$total_credit = 0; 

$post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>
<table style="width:100%"><?php
 if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();

// Get the current credits
$cur_credit = get_field('cpd_credits');

 // Add to the total credits
$total_credit += $cur_credit;

<?php endwhile; else : ?>
<?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>

        <td>Total: <?php 
            // Print the final total
            echo $total_credit; 
