Adding separate CSS files for separate pages with functions.php

home.php is a template file used for displaying blog posts whether it is a homepage(front page) or any other page which is set to display blog posts.

You cannot use is_page_template('home.php') as it is not considered a page template instead you can use is_front_page() or is_home() to identify the front page.

is_front_page() always return true if we are on the frontpage/homepage that is if we are on where as is_home() returns true only if the page that we are on is set to display blog posts or the frontpage is displaying blog posts.

I guess in your case is_front_page() works and for checking the pricing-hours.php conditional it should be a page template.

function everydaytherapy_script_enqueue() {
    if ( is_front_page() ) {
       //Here en-queue scripts for the front page
    }elseif(  is_page_template( 'pricing-hours.php' ) ){
      // Here en-queue scripts for page template pricing-hours
    }else {
      //scripts for other pages
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'everydaytherapy_script_enqueue' );


Remember to have different handles for different styles or scripts don’t use same handle for two different css files.