Modifying posts based on category in TwentyTwentyTwo theme

I managed to solve my problem.
So, the posts are using a single.html template file (in the TwenytTwentyTwo theme: /templates/single.html).
I wanted to target a category class in the <body> element of the single.html.
To make that happen, I had to modify the single.html file in my Child theme by adding the following code snippet within the main wp:group block:

<!-- wp:post-terms {"term":"category"} /-->

After that, in the functions.php I added a function that adds a category class to the post’s HTML <body> element on the single post pages.
(I added comments to make it clear.)

// Get posts category 
function add_category_class( $classes ) {

  // Check if the current page being viewed is a single post
  if ( is_single() ) {

  // The $post variable is set to the current post being viewed
    global $post;

  // Loop through each category of the post, add a class "category-" to the $classes array 
  // Followed by the category's slug (URL-friendly)
  // Each category associated with the current post, and the "get_the_category( $post->ID )" function is getting those categories based on the ID of the current post.
    foreach ( ( get_the_category( $post->ID ) ) as $category ) {
      $classes[] = 'category-' . $category->slug;

 // Return the updated body classes array
  return $classes;

// Add the classes to the body tag of the post
add_filter( 'body_class', 'add_category_class' );

and in the style.css I was able to target it (here the photos category is selected).

   /* Change background color for posts in Photos category */    
    .category-photos { 
      background-color: red; 

That made the background red of a single post page within a a specific category.