Ajax posts filter by date, comments, top views, top likes

I haven’t tested the code, but this should help.

option elements do not have a name attribute:

<option name="top-views" value="top-views">Top Views</option>
<option name="top-likes" value="top-likes">Top Likes</option>

And therefore $_POST['top-views'] for example, is not going to be set, or that the value is not the top-views in the above option.

Use the proper option markup

Based on the following markup:

<option value="comment_count-DESC">Comments ↓</option>

Your custom option should be:

<option value="{key}-{order}">{label}</option>

So (to sort in DESCending order):

<option value="top_views-DESC">Top Views</option>
<option value="top_likes-DESC">Top Likes</option>

Note that the {key} should not have a dash (-).

Parsing the sorting {key} and {order}

In the misha_insights_filter_function() function, the sorting {key} (i.e. the orderby parameter) and {order} are parsed like so:

$order = explode( '-', $_POST['misha_order_by'] );

So for example, if “Top Views” was selected, and that the option value was top_views-DESC, then $order[0] would be top_views and $order[1] would be DESC.

And you can then customize the $param like so:

if ( 'top_views' === $order[0] ) {
  $params['meta_key'] = 'post_views_count';
  $params['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num';

Similarly, if “Top Likes” was selected, and that the option value was top_likes-DESC, you can just copy-paste the above if block and replace the relevant values:

if ( 'top_likes' === $order[0] ) {
  $params['meta_key'] = '_post_like_count';
  $params['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num';