The correct way to call posts with ajax

As @MatthewBoynes already stated, making a $.post() request for every image might bring some overhead.

A maybe better solution would be to grab and cache them, then throw them into your js files using wp_localize_script().

$attachments = get_posts( array(
     'post_parent'    => get_the_ID()
    ,'post_type'      => 'attachment'
    ,'posts_per_page' => -1
    #,'exclude'        => get_post_thumbnail_ID() // only needed if we want to exclude the feat. image
) );

// Hook those to `wp_enqueue_scripts`
    ,array( 'jquery' )
    ,filemtime( get_template_directory().'/js/gallery.js' )
    ,json_encode( $attachments )

Then you can access the gallery_object from inside your ~/js/gallery.js file and move to the next image with an .on() click handler.