All Comments System of The PHP Code

PHP comments are “notes” that the programmer adds to the code for convenience. These are “notes”, simple text that is neither processed nor printed on video: in practice, these are internal references that can only be read by the developer who works on the source code of the script.

For example, it may be useful to write above a certain function what its task is or how it should be used in the application context, or why a certain sequence of steps necessary to achieve a certain result.

Comments are critical (and should not be overlooked) for a number of reasons:

  • because they simplify interventions to the code carried out at a time after its creation (after a long time, in fact, certain logical steps may appear less clear);
  • because they facilitate the task of other people called to work on our code.

How To Write A Single-line Comment In PHP

Writing a comment inside the PHP code is very simple … just start a line with // or with #. Anything placed on the right will not be processed by PHP and therefore will have no effect during processing. Let’s take an example:

//Use echo.
echo "Hello!";

#use print!
print "hello!";


echo "Hello World"; //Use echo.
print "HELLO WORLD"; #Use print.

How To Write A Multiline Comment In Php

we want to write comments on multiple lines we can use this syntax:

This is Multiline Comments...
we can use here some line...
echo "Hello PHP!";

As you may have noticed, anything between / * and * / is considered comment, regardless of whether it occupies one or more lines.

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