All Users > User List > Update User Meta Field Inline

Yes, we need jQuery for that. The first thing is to give proper classes and ID’s to the elements.

In manage_users_custom_column, add a class and a data selector to the checkbox:

"<input type="checkbox" data-approval="#approval-$user_id" class="my-class" value="{$column_value}" />"

And in user_row_actions, an ID to the <a> tag: id='approval-$user_id'.

Now, we have all the elements properties and can manipulate the URL of the Approve with changes links.

add_action( 'admin_footer-users.php', 'print_jquery_wpse_117481' );

function print_jquery_wpse_117481() 
    <script type="text/javascript">
            console.log( 'Is checked: ' + $(this).is(':checked') );
            console.log( 'This ID: ' + $(this).attr('id') );

            var a_href_approval_id = $(this).data('approval');
            var a_href_final = $( a_href_approval_id ).attr('href');
            console.log( 'Manipulate this attribute: ' + a_href_final );

Hint: use sprintf to build $checkbox.