Alternative to for free WordPress hosting?

I use Google Cloud to host WordPress, and their Always Free Tier Compute Engine Instance is enough for a small personal site.

It is a little bit more complicated to setup than WPEngine, but the easiest way to host WordPress on Google Cloud is to use a prebuilt image from the Google Cloud Marketplace. I use images created by Bitnami, such as this one:

On the Configuration page, you will need to adjust the machine size to be “Micro” and make sure the Region is one of the regions mentioned on the Free Tier page.

Setting to qualify for free tier

The estimated cost will say something like $5.13, but if you have everything configured in a way that matches up with the Compute Engine section of the Free Tier page, it will show up on your bill at $0. Of course there are other things Google Cloud may charge you for, such as if you go over the 1GB data transfer limit, but even so your hosting could be pretty inexpensive if your site is not too busy.

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