Archive subtitles for different types of archives

How about using the single_cat_title() function regardless of what type of archive it is? For example:

function get_the_subtitle() {
    if( is_archive() ) {
        $subtitle="Blog posts for ";

    if( is_category() || is_tag() ) {
        $subtitle .= single_cat_title( '', false );
    if( is_author() ) {
        $curauth = ( get_query_var( 'author_name' ) ) ?
            get_user_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'author_name' ) ) :
            get_userdata( get_query_var( 'author' ) );
        // you can set this to many things, see the get_userdata() docs for a list
        $subtitle .= $curauth->user_nicename;
    if( is_date() ) {
        $month = get_query_var('monthnum')
        $day   = get_query_var('day')
        $year  = get_query_var('year')

        $string = '';

        $string .= ( !empty( $day ) )    ? $day   : '';
        $string .= ( !empty( $string ) ) ? ""    : '';
        $string .= ( !empty( $month ) )  ? $month : '';
        $string .= ( !empty( $string ) ) ? ""    : '';
        $string .= ( !empty( $year ) )   ? $year  : '';

        $subtitle .= $string;

    if( !empty( $subtitle ) ) {
        return $subtitle;
    } else {
        return false;