WordPress.org UI Style Guide site has some reference materials, including those on Box Formats and Forms.
As far as I remember it’s not consistently maintained or considered especially canonical source. In practice elements are often done after studying current state of actual admin markup.
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- Post.php – Conditional statements for new post and edit post
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- TinyMCE with custom buttons on a meta box
- How do i hide the auto-generated custom field that’s created when update_post_meta() is called?
- WPAlchemy: How to output values?
- save_post not working with attachments
- get $post (object,parts/values) in meta-box
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- Change Metabox Title
- Having trouble getting my meta data to save
- add wp_editor to custom_meta_box
- Show how many images are attached to a post/page on compose page
- Show Meta Box On Specific Page Template
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- saving data entered into a Metabox into an array? for use with for/each output.
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- How to get the meta box name and value
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- meta box & callback function
- $_GET & $post_ID
- get_post_meta as a list for drop down search filter
- add_post_meta | update_post_meta | Via the frontend
- Why do Metabox use Nonces?
- multi custom fields and taxonomy search
- Migrating from metaboxes to wp_editor()
- conditionally echo in meta box data loop
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- Dynamic number of fields in a meta box
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