AWS RDS max_connections limit variable is based on Instance type, so you can upgrade your RDS or make more replica.
The RDS types with max_connections limit:
- t2.micro 66
- t2.small 150
- m3.medium 296
- t2.medium 312
- m3.large 609
- t2.large 648
- m4.large 648
- m3.xlarge 1237
- r3.large 1258
- m4.xlarge 1320
- m2.xlarge 1412
- m3.2xlarge 2492
- r3.xlarge 2540
Referring by max_connections at AWS RDS MySQL Instance Sizes in 2015
Update 2017-07
The current RDS MySQL max_connections setting is default by {DBInstanceClassMemory/12582880}
, if you use t2.micro with 512MB RAM, the max_connections could be (512*1024*1024)/12582880 ~= 40, and so on.
Each Web server could have many connections to RDS, which depends on your SQL requests from Web server.
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