Best practice for exiting batch file?

Personally I use exit.

  • The normal exit command simply terminates the current script, and the parent (for example if you were running a script from command line, or calling it from another batch file)
  • exit /b is used to terminate the current script, but leaves the parent window/script/calling label open.
  • With exit, you can also add an error level of the exit. For example, exit /b 1 would produce an %errorlevel% of 1. Example:
@echo off
call :getError     rem Calling the :getError label
echo Errorlevel: %errorlevel%     rem Echoing the errorlevel returned by :getError

exit /b 1    rem exiting the call and setting the %errorlevel% to 1 

Would print:

Errorlevel: 1
press any key to continue...

Setting error levels with this method can be useful when creating batch scripts that may have things that fail. You could create separate :labels for different errors, and have each return a unique error level.

  • goto :eof ends the current script (call) but not the parent file, (similarly to exit /b)
  • Unlike exit, in which you can set an exiting errorlevel, goto :eof automatically sets the errorlevel to the currently set level, making it more difficult to identify problems.

The two can also be used in unison in the same batch file:

@echo off
call :getError
echo %errorlevel%
goto :eof

exit /b 2

Another method of exiting a batch script would be to use cmd /k When used in a stand-alone batch file, cmd /k will return you to regular command prompt.

All in all i would recommend using exit just because you can set an errorlevel, but, it’s really up to you.

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