can a buttongroup have a label?

I have discovered a way of creating a label and a help property for a component that doesn’t have it’s own label or help properties, by wrapping that component in a BaseControl component. Here is my working solution:

createElement(PanelRow, {}, 
    createElement(BaseControl, { 
            label: __('N element alignment', 'my-textdomain'), 
            help: __('Set the alignment for n element in this block','my-textdomain') 
        createElement(ButtonGroup, {},
            createElement(Button, {
                icon: 'editor-alignleft',
                value: 'left',
                isPrimary: (attributes.nelementalign === 'left'),
                isSecondary: (attributes.nelementalign !== 'left'),
                onClick: changeNElementAlign,
                title: __('N element align left', 'my-textdomain')
            createElement(Button, {
                icon: 'editor-aligncenter',
                value: 'center',
                isPrimary: (attributes.nelementalign === 'center'),
                isSecondary: (attributes.nelementalign !== 'center'),
                onClick: changeNElementAlign,
                title: __('N element align center', 'my-textdomain')
            createElement(Button, {
                icon: 'editor-alignright',
                value: 'right',
                isPrimary: (attributes.nelementalign === 'right'),
                isSecondary: (attributes.nelementalign !== 'right'),
                onClick: changeNElementAlign,
                title: __('N element align right', 'my-textdomain')