Button not working?

there is a major problems in your code :

1- you must use the <form> when you want to submit the data whatever the system you use (wordpress, EE ,php ,html …).

2- if you want to check if the page submitted or just visited without submitted, you must change your condition to :




3- if you try to avoid the resend the Post data when you refresh the page after the submit process , you must add redirect code inside your condition.

4- move this $thisid = wp_insert_post ( $post, true); inside the condition ,so the post will be added just if there is a $_post data and remove wp_insert_post($thisid); from else statement.

4- about add_post_meta in your code you use wp_insert_post , so your code to add a new post then add a new meta to this post, so if you go to the new post and find the meta field this tell you add_post_meta is working.
note: you can add the same line twice to see if add_post_meta add two meta fields.

add_post_meta( $thisid, 'field_123123eee12312', $column2);
add_post_meta( $thisid, 'field_123123eee12312', $column2);

so you code will look something like this:

<form action="" method="post">    
--- Your Fields -----
<input type="submit" value="Test" id="submit">

———-PHP Code———

       $thisid = wp_insert_post ( $post, true);
        if ( is_wp_error($thisid) ) {
            return get_error_codes();
            echo "not ok";
            add_post_meta( $thisid, 'field_123123eee12312', $column2);
            echo "ok";

try it and let me know.
