Can a plugin redirect product page based on IF condition?

Okay.. After some more reading I came to a working solution.

First we make the plugin listen IF the type of page is a product page.
Then IF that is true, conditional logic can be implemented.
This way it’s update proof and it also works on any other template. Great!

Here ‘s the code I added in plugin (somewhat minified to the basics):

add_action( 'wp', 'redirect_single_product_page' );

function redirect_single_product_page() {
    if (is_product()) { // if the page is a single product page
        $redirectPage = true; // some dummy value for conditional logic
        if ($redirectPage) {
            $target_url = ...; // construct a target url
            wp_redirect($target_url, 301); // permanent redirect

If the page does not meet the conditional logic, normally expected behavior applies.