Category Ajax call

You could try to use the .children method to filter through your response – let’s say the posts are comming in containers with a particular selector on them – say, you add class="mypost" on the divs when you build the response -, then you can do something like this in your success method:

// ...
// ...

An alternative would be to do a foreach loop through the $post and build an array of $postElements, then echo json_encode($postElements); in your PHP functions file and parse it in the success method, build the HTML output in there.

// ...
jQuery("#category-post-content").html(''); // Clean up old content
for (i in response) {
    // Build the html string for each response[i] here
    var postElement="<div id="post-" + response[i].id + '" class="' + response[i].classes '">'
        + .........;
    // and then add it to your container
// ...

It all depends how you want to approach this problem, but it’s a matter of best practice to not return HTML code directly in the server’s response to an AJAX request.