as a shortcode within the loop?

Using the the_posts filter:

Here’s one idea using the the_posts filter, that fires before setup_postdata() is activated:

 * Replace [nextpage] with <!--nextpage--> through the 'the_posts' filter.
 * @see

! is_admin() && add_filter( 'the_posts', function( $posts )
    $posts = array_map( function( $p )
        if ( false !== strpos( $p->post_content, '[nextpage]' ) )
            $p->post_content = str_replace( '[nextpage]', '<!--nextpage-->', $p->post_content ); 
        return $p;
    }, $posts );
    return $posts;

The reason why your approach doesn’t work, is that your [nextpage] shortcode is generated after the setup_postdata(), that handles the post pagination, has checked for <!--nextpage--> in the post content.


Here I test it with some WordPress Lorem Ipsum:


with the following output on the front-end of the TwentyFifteen default theme:


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