Change all Post titles into [Title Case] format

EDIT: WP Title Hook

Ok, so if you’re using wp_title (which you probably are, it’s default) that function should have two filters in it you could use.

The first one is wp_title_parts, which returns your title broken up into an array.

function wp_title_capitalize( $title_parts ) {

    // Only uppercases the words of the first element (should be the page title)
    $title_parts[0] = ucwords( $title_parts[0] );

    return $title_parts;

add_filter( 'wp_title_parts', 'wp_title_capitalize' );

OR if you’re ok with running the uppercase filter on the whole thing, you can run it on wp_title

function wp_full_title_capitalize( $title, $sep, $seplocation ) {

    // Uppercases the entire title
    $title = ucwords( $title );

    return $title;

add_filter( 'wp_title', 'wp_full_title_capitalize' );

The second answer is easier to understand, since it runs on the whole thing, but if your titles look like


Then, you probably want to go with the first option.

As always, with hooks & filters, these go in functions.php of your theme.

Old Answer (CSS ONLY)

If you’re only worried about the display, you can just apply

text-transform: capitalize;

to the CSS of your h1.