Text under post title on frontpage but don’t want it in full post

Tested this and it worked perfectly on Genesis.

You can also use HTML tags in the custom field.

add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'content_after_archive_title', 15 );

function content_after_archive_title() {

if ( is_home() && genesis_get_custom_field('after-title') ) :

echo '<div class="after-title">'. genesis_get_custom_field('after-title') .'</div>';



Uses the native custom fields meta box which you can reposition under the Editor.

enter image description here

You could also hand code a meta box for this using the edit_form_after_title hook if you want the box before the editor or use a plugin like ACF.

If your theme doesn’t include a hook for the title or post info meta, you could use the content or post meta filter or action hook instead.

Change Position: If you want it before the post info, simply change the 3rd parameter to 11 and here’s the result:

enter image description here