How can I add title attributes to next and previous post link functions?


As I deleted the Repo on GitHub, here’s a new answer.

add_filter( 'previous_post_link","wpse13044_adjacent_post_link_tooltip', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'next_post_link","wpse13044_adjacent_post_link_tooltip', 10, 2 );
function wpse13044_adjacent_post_link_tooltip( $format, $link )
    $previous="previous_post_link" === current_filter();
    // Get the next/previous post object
    $post = get_adjacent_post(
    // Copypasta from cores `get_adjacent_post_link()` fn
    '' === $title = get_the_title( $post->ID );
        AND $title = $previous 
            ? sprint( __( 'Previous Post: %s","your_textdomain' ), $title )
            : sprint( __( 'Next Post: %s","your_textdomain' ), $title );

    $format = str_replace(
             'title="%s" rel="'

    return "<span class="some classes">{$format}</span>";

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