You’ll need to add 301 redirects for the old URL to the new one. Your best bet is to do this via .htaccess, in your theme, or using a plugin like one of these:
Edit: Another option
OPtion 2 would be to disregard the date in the URI altogether. You could unset them from the request like so (add to your functions.php file):
function wpse_100936_request( $qv ) {
if ( isset( $qv['name'], $qv['year'], $qv['monthnum'], $qv['day'] ) ) {
unset( $qv['year'], $qv['monthnum'], $qv['day'] );
return $qv;
add_action( 'request', 'wpse_100936_request' );
Then the date can change and not cause 404s. A post can now be accessed at any date, e.g. /2013/05/28/some-post/ and /1776/07/04/some-post/. SEO experts might warn you of “duplicate content”, but the canonical meta tag will always point to the correct date, so that shouldn’t be an issue. The only potential issue I can foresee is that, if someone linked to the post at the old date, they won’t get redirected; whether that’s important or not is up to you.