Check if page is a woocommerce attribute

@TimothyKA your solution might return true when you visit an attribute page however, it will return true on any taxonomy page ( and possibly it will produce PHP warnings on all the rest ).

You need to create a conditional function that returns true only when you are working on an attribute page. The following should work just fine:

function my_is_wc_attribute() {

     * Attributes are proper taxonomies, therefore first thing is 
     * to check if we are on a taxonomy page using the is_tax(). 
     * Also, a further check if the taxonomy_is_product_attribute 
     * function exists is necessary, in order to ensure that this 
     * function does not produce fatal errors when the WooCommerce 
     * is not  activated
    if ( is_tax() && function_exists( 'taxonomy_is_product_attribute') ) { 
        // now we know for sure that the queried object is a taxonomy
        $tax_obj = get_queried_object();
        return taxonomy_is_product_attribute( $tax_obj->taxonomy );
    return false;

After adding the above function to your functions.php, you may create as many filters and actions to customize your attribute pages. For example, the following filter allows you to manipulate only the attributes title:

function my_single_term_title_filter( $attribute_title ) {

    if ( my_is_wc_attribute() ) {

        // do your stuff here

    return $attribute_title;
add_filter( 'single_term_title', 'my_single_term_title_filter' );

Don’t forget to replace the my_ prefixes with your own prefix, to avoid function naming conflicts.