Conditionally display different images before the content in a page template

You could try the loop_start hook depending on what position you want the image and use the code in your functions file.

add_action('loop_start', function() {
if(is_page(10)) {
  echo do_shortcode('[plugin_shortcode 1 .....]');
} else if (is_page(11)) {
  echo do_shortcode('[plugin_shortcode 2 .....]');
} else if (is_page(15)) {
  echo do_shortcode('[plugin_shortcode 3 .....]');

Or you could pull the images from your images folder and wrap each in a unique class.

add_action('loop_start', function() {
if(is_page(10)) {
   echo '<img class="image-one"><img src="' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/one.png" /></img>'; 
} else if (is_page(11)) {
   echo '<img class="image-two"><img src="' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/two.png" /></img>'; 
} else if (is_page(15)) {
   echo '<img class="image-three"><img src="' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/three.png" /></img>'; 

Or hard code the images into your template file.