Turns out it was just really Friday for me.
Thanks to @eddiemoya and @matt-keys for their answers on this question.
Their answer helped me a lot. After their explanation I revisited the WordPress documentation and it really wasn’t that hard to comprehend.
The solution I user for my specific question was as follows:
- I created a page inside WP. I named it Products (slug: example.com/products)
Created a template in my themes root directory and set a template name for it
/** * Template Name: My single product page */
Selected “My single product page” from the Template dropdown inside my Products page admin interface
- Copied the page ID (1234)
In the functions.php I wrote the following code:
funtion product_api_rewrite_tag() { add_rewrite_tag('%product_slug%', '([^&]+)'); } function product_api_rewrite_rule() { add_rewrite_rule('^products/([^/]*)/?','index.php??page_id=1234&product_slug=$matches[1]','top'); } add_action('init', 'product_api_rewrite_tag', 10, 0); add_action('init', 'product_api_rewrite_rule', 10, 0);
Inside “My single product page” I can do something like this:
global $wp_query; $pension_slug = $wp_query->query_vars['pension_slug']; echo $pension_slug;
Upon visitig example.com/products/my_new_product the template will return my_new_product.