Custom array from a query only write the last row of the query

This is because you’re not adding elements to the array. You’re overwriting them:

$modified_result = array();

foreach($queryresult as $result){
    $modified_result['name'] = $result->name;
    $modified_result['address'] = $result->address;

Your loop is setting the name and address property of the $modified_result array directly, and then replacing them for each item in the loop.

You want $modified_result to be an array of arrays, which means that for each $result you need to add a new array to $modified_result. You can do this with $modified_result[]:

$modified_result = array();

foreach ( $queryresult as $result ) {
    $modified_result[] = array(
        'name'    => $result->name,
        'address' => $result->address,

That being said, I can’t see any reason from you code why you can’t just query the fields you want to begin with. Then you don’t need the loop at all:

$queryresult = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT name, address FROM ..." );

$datadump = json_encode( $queryresult );
echo file_put_contents( 'my_output.json', $datadump );