Ajax $wpdb not returning table data

The main problem, I see in your code, is that you use query method of wpdb and assume that it is PDO statement object…

But it is not.

Take a look at wpdb Codex:

query method is used to run custom queries on DB – that’s all.

What you want to use is get_results.

And BTW, seriously, do never concatenate user input with SQL statements. Such data should ALWAYS be escaped properly – otherwise you create SQL Injection vulnerability. You can use prepare method to create safe queries in WP.

I also don’t think you should echo wp_send_json_success – I’m pretty sure this function already echoes values…

And one more thing… Your hooks are wrong. You send action wc_get_..., but then use hooks like wp_ajax_call_wc_get... (so your php code assumes the action is call_wc_get....