Custom field in TWIG template – Advanced custom fields plugin

I don’t use Twig, but I’m fairly sure that you have to pass values rather than all WP functions from the template (which probably runs outside the context of WordPress). So, your controller (typically the WordPress template) will store the results of the WP calls into an array, and then you render the Twig template with the values stored in the array.

[edited to add]

You have in your controller a call as follows:

echo View::render( 'single-tlt.twig', array( 
                    'post' => $post, 
                    'properties' => aviators_properties_get_by_agent( get_the_ID() ) 

Change to something like this:

echo View::render( 'single-tlt.twig', array( 
                    'post' => $post, 
                    'properties' => aviators_properties_get_by_agent( get_the_ID() ),
                    'profile_pic' => get_the_field( 'profile_pic' )

And then in your Twig template, you can add something like:

<img src="{{profile_pic}}">