You’re not passing your attribute array to the shortcode_atts
method. You’re passing in an uninitialized variable.
Your function starts with
function get_my_gallery_content ( $atts ) {
But then you don’t reference $atts
again. The code is reading $attr
, which is empty.
Change the line
), $attr, 'gallery'));
), $atts, 'gallery'));
You also need to change the following to match your argument variable name:
if ( isset( $attr['orderby'] ) ) {
$attr['orderby'] = sanitize_sql_orderby( $attr['orderby'] );
if ( !$attr['orderby'] )
unset( $attr['orderby'] );
This code reads $attr
but you’re passing in $atts
. Make sure they all match.
Because the array is empty, the logic falls back to only retrieving the current post’s children. That’s why you’re only seeing those in your galleries.
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