I don’t know if we are allowed to link to other answers but there is another question very similar to yours and the accepted answerer stated these things:
You should be skeptical of anyone who says that there is a single
“right” way. The right way depends on the situation. Using the CPT
infrastructure has a number of notable benefits:
- You get the Dashboard UI for free
- You automatically take advantage of WP’s caching, including any persistent cache plugins that the installation may be using
- You automatically get goodies like post revisions
- You get access to the WP_Query class, which means that, in theory, you don’t have to write any (or at least not much)
likely-to-be-buggy-and-vulnerable-and-inefficient SQLIf you’re planning on distributing the plugin or opening it up for
open-source development, you may find that developers are more
comfortable using custom post types and the associated API functions
than your own custom stuff.
source: Here