In this updated version of meks_time_ago()
, the human readable date/time will be returned if the published date was less than the $threshold
of days ago. Otherwise, the full date and dime will be returned.
function meks_time_ago( $days_threshold = 3 ) {
$published_date_timestamp = get_the_time( 'U' );
$current_date = new DateTime();
$published_date = new DateTime( "@$published_date_timestamp" );
$interval = $published_date->diff( $current_date );
$interval = intval( $interval->format( '%a' ) );
// If the post was published more than the $threshold of days ago,
// show the published date and time.
if ( $interval > $days_threshold ) {
return sprintf( '%s %s %s',
__( 'at', 'text-domain' ),
} else {
// Otherwise, use the human readable time.
return sprintf( '%s %s',
human_time_diff( $published_date_timestamp, $current_date->getTimestamp() ),
__( 'ago', 'text-domain' )