Disable Author Archive just for certain roles in bulk

A simple way to achieve this is to do a conditional redirect on template_redirect action. In the action callback, check that the request is for an author archive of the specified role and if it is, then do the redirect.

function my_disabled_author_archive_role() {
    return 'buyer';

    function() {
        // Is this an author archive?
        if ( ! is_author() ) {
        // Does the author have the specified role?
        $author = get_queried_object();
        if ( ! in_array( my_disabled_author_archive_role(), (array) $author->roles ) ) {
        // Redirect to somewhere
        if ( wp_safe_redirect( home_url() ) ) {

If you want to exclude the role also from the default WP sitemap, then filter the users sitemap query args.

    function($args) {
        $args['role__not_in'] = my_disabled_author_archive_role();
        return $args;