It’s hard to understand how you use your taxonomy and where you want to display it.
Does your posts have a custom taxonomy and you want to display it there? Or you have some page, like /issues/, with a list of posts that linked to a certain issue number and grouped some how?
So, if you want to retrieve a categories based on custom taxonomy, you could use this code:
In your functions.php define this function:
function my_custom_function() {
global $post;
$result = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'people', '<span>', ' ', '</span>');
echo $result;
Then in your loop inside a theme files just call it.
<?php my_custom_function(); ?>
It’s important to understand, that we don’t know your implementation details, and you should provide a Post Id by yourself. Through, it’s a working, tested example which retrieves every category for a given post.
And I think you would be easier to just retrieve categories.