Display custom post on home page based on a metabox selection

I looks like you are using the custom meta boxes and fields github repo, which is an awesome library. I think the primary thing you need to do is a new WP_Query. Below is an example of that in action. The only difference is that in my example I made the “Assign to Homepage” a checkbox on the custom post type.

   $args = array(
   'post_type'  => 'testimonial',
   'meta_key'   => '_wla_homepage_slider_checkbox',
   'meta_value' => 'on',
   'post_per_page' => 100, /* add a reasonable max # rows */
   'no_found_rows' => true, /* don't generate a count as part of query, unless you need it. */
 $testimonials = new WP_Query( $args );

From there you can run through your custom loop and pull meta data as needed.