Do I lose translations when I change my Text domain for my plugin on

I actually got a superfast response from the plugins mail. I’m assuming it’s cool if I make this public.

I am wondering if I do I lose translations when I change my “Text Domain: xxxxx” inside my readme?

Yes but …

You can’t change that. Well, you can, but the WordPress translation
system will always default to your plugin permalink. So it should
always be whatever the plugin permalink is.

Please re-read:

By “defaults to” you mean its just always uses the slug no matter what is in there?

The translation system here (glotpress) always uses the permalink, no
matter what.

If it always uses the plugins permalink slug can I just remove it? Is there even a point in having it in the readme for plugins

Yep, you totally can remove it. People keep it in there when they want
to handle their own translations.