Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers – Javascript

Yours doesn’t work properly since it checks 999*999, then 999*998, then 999*997 until it reaches about 999*583. While it doesn’t check 997*995 or something closer to the top which generates a larger number

function largestPalindrome(){

    var arr = [];    
    for(var i =999; i>100; i--){
        for(var j = 999; j>100; j--){
            var mul = j*i;
                arr.push(j * i);

    return Math.max.apply(Math, arr);

function isPalin(i){
    return i.toString() == i.toString().split("").reverse().join("");


Here is another approach, store all palindrome generated by 3 numbers in an array, then use Math.max on the array to get the largest palindrome

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